• The Law

    The Troops of Saint George Law was written by Saint Peter (1 Peter 2:17), our first Pope:

    1. Honor all men

    2. Love the brotherhood

    3. Fear God

    4. Honor the King

  • The Motto : Parati Semper

    But sanctify the Lord Christ in your heart, being prepared always (parati semper) to satisfy everyone that asketh you a reason of that hope which is in you

    1 Peter 3:15

  • The Oath

    Written by the Apostle Paul (1 Timothy 4:12). This defines the five traits of the man who seeks to be a disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    “Set an example for those who believe:

    1. In speech (verbo)

    2. conduct (moribus)

    3. love (caritate)

    4. faith (fide)

    5. and purity (castitate)”

The Trinitarian Salute

The Troops of Saint George salute their officers, the flag, banners of the saints and Our Lady, and crucifixes with the “Trinitarian Salute” – three fingers of the right hand (index, middle, ring) out, and with the pinky and thumb joined signifying that the divine nature of Christ is joined to His human nature: fully God and fully man as taught at the Catholic Council of Chalcedon in AD 431.

Prayer for the Troops of St George

Lord Jesus, Our Sovereign King

We give You thanks for our brothers in the Troops of Saint George, across the globe. Through following You in the Way of the Cross, through formation, selflessness, and above all, Your Sacraments, we strive, by Your Grace, towards Your example of virtuous manhood.

To this end, we pray that we and our families may grow stronger in our love and fidelity to You, Lord Jesus, through the intercession and assistance of our Blessed Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse, Saint George and all the Saints.

Through Your Most Sacred Heart, keep us united in our cooperation with the Holy Spirit; all which we ask in Your Holy Name, Who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, One God, world without end.
